10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Author Should Make in 2022

January 7, 2022

10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Author Should Make in 2022

The last few years have looked quite unusual for all of us, including for authors. Be it shifting book launches completely online to not being able to visit bookstores. However, the pandemic has also given us a perspective of how we can utilize resources that have been right in front of us like social media, our local communities, etc. With the beginning of this new year, here are 10 resolutions you should make and follow to ensure regardless of the pandemic, you continue to be successful:

1 – Connect and Reconnect More

In the book industry, connections play an important role in your book’s journey to success. Your connections include family, friends, colleagues, fellow authors, and other individuals who genuinely care for you and are invested in your success. They might support you in the form of hosting book launch parties for your book, writing glowing reviews, supporting you during writer’s block, etc  These are the members of your tribe who will assist in spreading the word about your book. However, the pandemic has created a lack of social connections in our society, both on a personal and professional level. Therefore, resolve to reinforce your relationships with people in 2022. Reconnect with people you might have lost touch with due to the pandemic. Additionally, find new authors from your genre and help them spread the word about their work.

2 – Share Your Knowledge

The shift to online teaching and learning due to the pandemic has opened many gates for authors. Many experts and authors moved their work online via webinars, blogs, newsletters, virtual book launches, or online courses. In 2022, resolve to utilize a new way of sharing your insight, or to expand your current online efforts. This will help others and also create opportunities for increased engagement with your audience. 

3 – Build Your Social Media

Social media’s popularity has grown vastly in the past few years. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. have proven to be essential in building a fanbase and keeping them engaged. If you have resisted being active on social media so far, now is the time to change that. Your social media is going to target a certain audience with a certain goal.  Begin by identifying your target audience, which platform they are spending their time on, and what books and authors they are interested in. Focus on that platform and don’t spread yourself too thin. Stay active by sharing your content as well as engaging with other users’ content by liking, commenting, and sharing. Additionally, publish consistent and meaningful content. Your efforts will have a great impact if they are focused and streamlined to a singular platform instead of multiple profiles that are irregularly updated. 

4 – Prioritize Community Outreach

When you begin to promote your book, resist the temptation to immediately reach a worldwide audience. Start small and start local. This year, resolve to make an impact in your community with your work. Identify your local bookstores and libraries that you can approach for an event. Donate a copy of your book for their shelves. Moreover, cafes, schools, and other businesses in your community can be great locations to share your work at. Many regulars at the aforementioned locations can benefit from your knowledge and work. Connect with or create a local writer’s group to share new ideas and find opportunities for future collaborations. Such outreach and efforts will enrich your community. Furthermore, your initiative will create a buzz around you and your book and introduce you to newer and wider audiences.

5 – Be an Authentic Writer

This year, resolve to write from your heart. Do not worry about what others will think about your work. The most important thing is to have faith and confidence in who you are and who you want to be as a writer. Write authentically and trust your gut.

6 – Write Simpler

In certain fields such as business, government, not-for-profits, etc. people have a tendency to write using complicated and confusing words. It is as if they are trying to impress their audience with their vocabulary. Resolve to not write unnaturally and instead adopt a simple writing style. This way your audience will understand you better, read more of your work, and thus engage with more of your future writing.

7 – Set a realistic reading and writing goal

The more you read, the better you will write. You will become more familiar with words, literary devices, sentence structure, etc., and your writing will flow smoother. Set a goal of the number of books you want to read this year and get started on achieving that goal. Additionally, this year, resolve to write more as well. Practice makes perfect. The more you write, the better you will become at it. Setting realistic reading and writing goals will not only help you become a superior writer but will help you in becoming a faster reader and writer too.

8 – Switch Things Up

Do you have a set writing process? Resolve to switch things up this year and see how it benefits you as a writer. If you always write in the mornings, try to write at night. If you write without the help of an outline, try outlining your scene or chapter first. The best way to get unstuck or to get rid of writer’s block is to try something new. Engage in unusual writing habits to create a toolkit that helps when your writing might feel rote and monotone.

9 – Become an Author Influencer

As an author, social media is an extremely cost-friendly and effective way to create awareness about you and your personal brand. Begin by knowing your personal brand and nailing down your niche, some key phrases (catchphrases), core values of your brand, key talking points, and key responses to FAQs. Also, the colors and graphic styles you use should, naturally, all be seamlessly cohesive across every social media and print material associated with you. Additionally, dedicate time to your social media platforms and publish relatable content consistently. Moreover, limit paid partnerships and be selective with the brands you work with and do a deep dive on their history, ethical background, values, etc. before working with them. Lastly, associate with other booming influencers. An easy way to do this is to hop on Instagram LIVE with an author or specialist in your genre or field, and give each other some free exposure to each other’s networks. 

10 – Make Time For Yourself

Being an author takes a lot of dedication, time, mental and physical energy from you. But remember, it is okay to take a break and make time for yourself. You can do so by just taking a walk or talking to a friend, it doesn’t have to be an elaborate vacation (but that works too!). Invest time in learning something new, reading a good book, and doing something that relaxes you and makes you happy. This new year, resolve to refill the well when and as you need.

Being a writer is not an easy profession. However, these 10 resolutions can ensure that 2022 is your year to shine as an author!

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