marilynn barber best seller

Marilynn Barber Hits #1 Amazon Best-Seller List With Her New Book

August 16, 2016



Marilynn Barber Hits #1 Amazon Best-Seller List With Her New Book


Houston, TX–Tuesday, August 16, 2016 – Marilynn Barber Hits #1 Amazon Best-Seller List With Her New Book Dress Like You Mean Business: A Dress Strategy to Get the Career You Want


The book was released on August 10th, 2016 by – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.


Marilynn Barber believes a well-developed garment strategy opens doors to opportunity.  Clothing conveys a message of your values, expresses your presence and invites others to connect with you in a meaningful way.  Today, each of us is an individual brand.  Your garments (your packaging) invite people to engage with what you offer them.


As a trained fashion designer and style strategist, Marilynn is passionate about the art and craft of fashion.  “Fashion doesn’t merely reflect our times; it allows us to connect socially.  She brings deep insight into the clothes women wear with her many years of experience in fashion design, sewing and costuming.


Marilynn is a dynamic personality accustomed to the stage in theatre and improv.  She teaches with enthusiasm and humor.  You will quickly learn what you wear instantly sets the stage for social interaction.  In fact, what you wear changes the value of what you have to say.  Your wardrobe tells your story and you have the power to create the character you want to be.


“Dress Like You Mean Business” is a resource you can trust to advise you with simple, yet practical strategies.  Whether you’re ready to reboot your career look or just want to stay relevant, this book can help you gain an edge in the workplace and unlock your full potential.  People believe who you tell them you are with your clothing. Are you sending the right message?


On the day of release, Dress Like You Mean Business: A Dress Strategy to Get the Career You Want  started its upward movement towards best-seller status in three categories with its August 10th release and has reached #1 best-seller status in categories: Fashion, Fashion Design, & Commercial Fashion Design.  


Marilynn Barber is a trained fashion designer and style strategist who is passionate about the art and craft of fashion.  “Fashion doesn’t merely reflect our times, it allows us to connect socially.”  Whether you’re ready to re-boot your career-look or just want to stay relevant, Marilynn is there to advise you with practical strategies on how to gain an edge and unlock your full potential.  People believe who you tell them you are.  Are you sending the right message to engage and connect?  This is the book to guide you.


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