First TEN Steps to Kick Off your Book Marketing

September 9, 2022

You thought the hard part was writing the book. The truth is the hardest part after writing your book is marketing the book and getting sales. Here are the top TEN easy marketing steps you should do FIRST to help kick off your book marketing and get your book into the hands of your hungry readers. 

The First TEN steps to Kick Off your Book Marketing

  1. Create an awesome Amazon sales page by creating a compelling book description/synopsis that sells your book. Focus on the reader.
  2. Claim and create your Amazon Author Page. When writing your bio, think about the reader. What can you do for them?
  3. Use your best copywriting skills or hire a copywriter for your back cover synopsis. This is different from your book description on Amazon. It is usually shorter. Think about adding endorsements on your back cover as well. 
  4. Add up to 7 photos and 7 videos to your Amazon author profile. Make sure the videos are less than 10 min. Use photos that represent you as the author. Keeping the reader in mind. What do they want to know about you?
  5. Discount your book for launch day or look into KDP Select. Use a 99-cent promotion for your launch day, or look into what it means to have your book in KDP Select.
  6. Reviews. The more the better and the sooner the better. When you get over 100 reviews in the first two weeks, your book will be promoted in emails by Amazon and seen by more people.
  7. Post about your free or discounted book offer on free book sites. Find Facebook Groups or Linkedin Groups to offer your free or discounted book. 
  8. Reach out to your friends and contacts for support. Create a book launch team of your clients, colleagues, friends, and family to help promote and leave reviews on launch day.
  9. Promote your books on your social media accounts. Use social media to promote your book. Where do your readers hang out? Insta? Facebook? LinkedIn? TikTok?
  10. Ask friends to post your book on their social media. Ask others to help promote you and give shout-outs. Or pay for ads and boost your post for more visibility.

To get help with your book marketing campaign contact us at Elite Online Publishing.

We offer a Book Marketing Portal to help you market your book. The Elite Marketing Portal is the perfect one-stop destination for authors looking to take their book marketing efforts to the next level. With video tutorials and templates specifically designed for marketing your book, Elite Online Publishing guarantees bestseller status for your book. The Elite Marketing Portal is available as a part of Elite’s publishing packages, or you can join our marketing membership for a small monthly fee. Please contact us for details and pricing.

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