Creativity and Innovation in Leadership with Dan Steininger

August 6, 2024

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Dan Steininger on the crucial role that creativity and innovation play in effective business leadership. He references an IBM study and provides five key tips to help leaders tap into their creativity and drive innovation in their organizations.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Allowing creativity to flow naturally

  • Generating ideas and effective meetings

  • Systematic problem-solving


“The number one thing you need to do when you’re faced with a rattlesnake or a flood or a problem at work or a product, you need to innovate. Whatever is, begin by asking, okay, we have a problem.” (06:38)

“What have I done to create the problem? It’s not easy to be self searching or you may ask friends or people you trust, colleagues, what am I doing that I may have caused this problem? Throwing that in that honest evaluation will require you to say, okay, maybe I contribute.” (13:26)

“Once you think you’ve got the greatest idea in the world, it’s important to have pushback. That doesn’t mean customers out there who don’t know you are going to like your cookie.” (25:03)

About Dan Steininger:

Dan Steininger is the author of two books on innovation, a professional speaker, trusted advisor to companies or organizations needing to drive innovation.

Dan currently writes a column for the Biz Times entitled “Innovate or Die” that is a Press Club winner. He is also the President of Steininger & Associates. The firm focuses on teaching the tools of innovation to drive growth for companies in all sectors of the economy.

He is the President and founder of BizStarts. The organization facilitates the creation of new companies in Southeast Wisconsin.

He is the former CEO of a major financial institution that he grew to the 147th life company in the United States, and he launched a national equity mutual fund.

He has been a successful speaker for a wide variety of organizations from Metropolitan Chambers, to Rotary clubs to major associations across the country.

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