Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Suzanne Peters

October 2, 2023

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, Interview Suzanne Peters, the founder of Women to Women Network, about highlighting the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome and supporting fellow women entrepreneurs.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • How to overcome imposter syndrome.
  • How to collaborate with your community.
  • How to invest in yourself.


“We give other people so much grace, yet it’s one of the last things that we tend to give ourselves.” (05:12)

“So when you look into the network and get out there, don’t just think about what’s in it for me. Think about how can I support this business?” (09:50)

“My advice is always to find someone who is doing what you want to do. Someone who is where you want to be. But when you find that person, be willing to invest. Make the sacrifice and do whatever it takes so that you can learn from them, learn everything you can from them and apply it to your business and your business is going to explode.” (13:59)

About Suzanne Peters:

Suzanne Peters is a purpose-driven woman, who grew up on the beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago. After facing the depths of failure, bankruptcy, and despair, Suzanne found hope in an unexpected place. Today, she is an international motivational speaker, best-selling author, and business coach for ambitious women. Her story will inspire you to never give up.

Driven by a burning desire to empower other women, Suzanne embarked on a personal development journey. Through sharing her encouraging words and experiences, she uplifts and inspires others to transform their lives. But Suzanne’s mission didn’t stop there. She believes in the power of storytelling and teaching others what she knows. That’s why the Woman To Woman Network was created – to empower women to not only create the life and business they desire but also to share their own stories and knowledge. We are a growth and development company dedicated to helping women worldwide turn their dreams into reality.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/0GDFiJCsHsI

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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