Helping Women Manage Their Money with Liz Kitchell

October 11, 2021

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Liz Kitchell about helping women be the hero of their own money journey by teaching them how to invest and manage wealth.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to pivot your money plan.
  • How to be confident with your financial future.
  • How to find the best investing strategies.


“We help women understand the logical side of money and the experiential side of money. The logical is the puzzle piece and the experiential is what the money is for.” (4:28)

“The common thing that people do is they have their short term money to live off of, the intermediate money for the planning and the fun, and then the long term money for retirement.” (13:19)

“We allow people to fall back in love with money, and what it can do for their lives. So then we can work on the tactical aspects of it.” (15:53)

About Liz Kitchell:

Liz Kitchell has been working in the financial industry for more than 25 years as an advisor, top-rated trainer, and coach for financial professionals. On her journey, she realized that women not only aren’t investing enough, they aren’t receiving the best investing strategies.

The companies Liz worked with weren’t interested in training their professionals on how to manage and trust the emotions that arise when working with these smart, highly-paid women.

When Liz realized that women would not have access to the best financial products and tools because their advisors didn’t know how to overcome the emotional triggers, she decided to create a consulting firm to help women understand and trust their financial emotions so that they can start investing and living their dreams.

Learn More Here

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