Episode 370 Elite Expert Insider

Mastering Alternative Investments: Real Estate and Notes with Fred Moskowitz

October 14, 2024

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Fred Moskowitz, a seasoned fund manager and expert in alternative investments. Fred has an extensive background, starting his career during the dot-com boom and experiencing firsthand the risks of relying solely on a paycheck. This realization led him to diversify his income sources and start alternative investing.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Owner Financing
  • Diversifying Income Streams

  • Mortgage Note Investing


“And what an alternative investment is, it means basically that you’re investing in things or outside of the typical Wall Street type products, your stocks, bonds, mutual funds, all that.” (04:07)

“And I’ll tell you that banks figured out long ago that they would rather be a lienholder on a property rather than be the landowner owning that property, because the owner of the property has to maintain and have the liability for that property. And the lender, they’re sitting there on title as a secured lien holder, receiving monthly payments, receiving that rate of return and they’re not doing any work on the property.” (11:23)

“You have to perform your due diligence on who you’re getting involved with. And frankly, this is for any business transaction, you’re going to go into a partnership with someone. Do you really know who you’re getting involved with? What’s their track record? Are they trustworthy? Are they good business people that have a good reputation?” (17:05)

About Fred Moskowitz:

Fred has positioned himself as an authority on investing in alternative assets and on building wealth using Self-Directed IRA accounts. Fred combines a 20 year career devoted to entrepreneurship and investing with a mission to helping people attain a higher level of financial literacy, resulting in the perfect combination of wisdom and experience providing value to aspiring investors from all walks of life. He has been making an impact by sharing his unique result-oriented education and actionable steps on wealth building, mindset, and success.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/QM-qaaLJm_U

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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