Podcast Strategies With Michael Neely

August 3, 2020

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Michael Neely about how to produce your own podcast.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to find your objective or mission.
  • How to reverse engineer your show.
  • How to use affiliate relationships to your advantage.


“Anybody can launch a podcast, quite honestly, it’s it’s really easy, but it’s really all in the strategy. How do you grow an audience? How do you actually monetize it? and How do you stay in for the long haul?” (3:49)

“The side benefits of having a podcast and beyond the potential money to make beyond the audience, the listeners, it’s the relationships that you build.” (9:26)

“Advertising on podcasts is 132% more effective than other forms of advertising right now because your listeners trust you.” (11:28)

About Michael Neely:

Long before Michael took up writing and coaching, he used to be a knight in shining armor. More precisely, he was an actor that spent a good portion of his career on horseback before starring in a couple of soap operas and independent films. While it was quite nice to eventually see the name Michael Neeley in film, stage, and television credits, there was still something missing. Michael felt unfulfilled – not about what he was getting, but about what he was giving.

So, while he never became an “A” List actor, his profession was still very fun and rewarding, spanning more than twenty years before he finally decided to shift his purpose.  Michael’s son, Tristan, was born in 2002 and he decided to leave the L.A. smog and raise him in clean air and clear skies.  His life was taking on a different meaning, and he began searching for what he was meant to do, who he was meant to be, and why he was here on this little blue dot.

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/ZLE5aunU5yM

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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