[Book Release] Walking In the Shadow of Footsteps by Roynell Young

August 24, 2021

[Book Release] Walking In The Shadow Of Footsteps by Coach Roynell Young

We are excited to announce the new book by Roynell Young “Walking in the Shadow of Footsteps: A Journey of Enlightenment”

TODAY ONLY, the Kindle eBook is only $1.99. Head over to Amazon and order your eBook for yourself or a friend. Hurry before the price goes back to the regular price.

Share this link:  https://amzn.to/3sr4HFO 

International Link: https://authorexperts.club/show-book/B09CQF437R 

Despite a life of challenges—from childhood illness to witnessing violence as a youth on the tough streets of uptown New Orleans, falling into the trap of drugs as a teen, and assaults on his confidence as an adult—Roynell Young is living his life’s purpose.

Walking in the Shadow of Footsteps takes readers on an emotional journey through the life of an unlikely hero who earned his way into the National Football League as a first-round draft pick, enjoyed a nine-year career as a professional athlete, then carved a pathway that led him to create an organization that today impacts thousands in the impoverished Sunnyside area of Houston. Driven by an unquenchable desire to discover his life’s purpose, Young learned that true power and freedom are the result of an unshakable commitment to live his purpose and spread the good news to the underdog. His unique story is his love letter to humanity.


Roynell Young, former Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro Cornerback, is Founder and CEO of Pro-Vision, Inc., a nonprofit he’s had the privilege of stewarding since 1990 with a vision for developing Houston’s often forgotten and overlooked young people. Young was selected from Alcorn State University in the first round of the 1980 NFL Draft. He enjoyed a nine-year career in the National Football League with the Eagles before retiring in 1988 to pursue his passion for youth and community development.  In 2021, Young was inducted into the Black College Football Hall of Fame. He lives near Houston, Texas, with his wife, Kathleen, and is the proud father of Roynell Young Jr.

Click Here to get your copy for only $1.99 today.

Watch the Video Trailer below.

PS – It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.

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