Self-Publishing, Time Management, and Motivation with Mike Abramowitz

June 20, 2024

Join Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she interviews author Mike Abramowitz, a multiple-time author, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur. He shares his remarkable journey from overcoming personal hardships to becoming a bestselling author. Learn how Mike turned his challenges into motivational messages and leveraged self-publishing to create powerful branding tools.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Writing A Book
  • Time Management Strategies for Authors

  • Creating A Book Series


“I always self published because I, it wasn’t a money, it wasn’t a money grab.” (06:27)

“Anytime I had a thought about a topic or a talk about a topic, I categorized it by a topic, not the book as a whole.” (12:01)

“If I could lead a life that is an example for myself and if others just happen to be witnessing that and it could help them as well, then I feel like I owe it to them, I owe it to myself, I owe it to my creator, my parents.” (16:41)

About Mike Abramowitz:

He is an accomplished author, speaker, coach, and philanthropist. He has written 9 books, 2 of which reached #1 on Amazon, and has been featured in both local and national media for his achievements and his efforts to feed the homeless through his PB&J for Tampa Bay initiative, which has provided over 100,000 meals since 2015.

Life took a dramatic turn for Mike and his wife, Lindsay, on December 31, 2020, when their son, James, was born weighing 1 pound 4 ounces. After 254 challenging days in the NICU, they could finally bring James home. This experience prompted Lindsay to become a full-time medical mama, leaving her professional career behind.

Despite these personal trials, Mike’s strong business acumen allowed him to net six figures during those 8 months, all while being there for his family. To make up for Lindsay’s loss of income and recognizing the struggles of other entrepreneurs, Mike employed his expertise in automation, delegation, and systemization and became a partner with the company, “Better Than Rich.”

He’s since transformed the lives of hundreds of entrepreneurs, offering them tools to maximize their time and efficiency.

His ‘Operator to Owner’ program is a testament to this, teaching students to leverage a team of Virtual Assistants and streamline business operations. These strategies, honed during Mike’s personal adversities, are now aiding countless others.

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