Unlocking Success in Fiction Writing: Insights from Author Hope Gibbs

March 1, 2024

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview bestselling author Hope Gibbs. Hope shares the secrets behind the success of her debut novel, ‘Where The Grass Grows Blue’, including insights on the writing process, the importance of professional editing, and effective marketing strategies.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Balancing Life and Writing.
  • The Power of Professional Editing.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies.


“I did get accepted to three hybrid presses, but I decided not to do that. I wanted to go more. I wanted to do traditional. Small press is considered traditional, even though it’s still on a smaller scale. But I know several authors who’ve done hybrid and they love it. But for me, for self publishing, because I was so new at this, I didn’t think I had the skill set. And so I was really hoping to get You know, a traditional publishing deal.” (09:06)

“I didn’t really understand what Kindle unlimited was. I was like, Oh, I’m it’s being read for free. I don’t get royalties. You do get royalties. You get bonuses from Amazon. Amazon is the one who’s letting people read for free for the subscription. And I, if I went most, almost all of my reviews, I think are because of that.” (14:41)

“My book has sold very well. It’s been in my publisher’s top 10 or it was number 1 the entire year that it’s been out. And it was the most read on Kindle unlimited all year. So, I’ve been very fortunate with that, but I will say with a small press, I’m probably breaking even. So for right now, it’s, and people need to understand that it does take an investment. And this is my first book and hopefully it will not be my last.” (20:05)

About Hope Gibbs:

Hope Gibbs grew up in rural Scottsville, Kentucky. As the daughter of an English teacher, she was raised to value the importance of good storytelling from an early age. Today, she’s an avid reader of women’s fiction. Drawn to multi-generational family sagas, relationship issues, and the complexities of being a woman, she translates those themes into her writing.

She lives in Brentwood, Tennessee, with her husband and her persnickety Shih Tzu, Harley, and is the mother of five. In her downtime, she loves playing tennis, singing karaoke, and curling up on her favorite chair with a book.

Hope has a B.A. from Western Kentucky University. She is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, the Women’s National Book Association, a tour guide for Bookish Road Trip, and the co-host of the Authors Talking Bookish Podcast.

Where the Grass Grows Blue is her debut novel, which has been named to the 2023 Short List for the Chatelaine Book Awards for Romantic Fiction, winner of the 2023 BookFest Awards for both Contemporary Romance and Small Town Romance, winner of the 2023 Best Book Awards for Romantic Fiction, winner of the 2023 American Writing Awards for Romantic Fiction, winner of the 2023 Firebird Book Awards for Best New Fiction, Best Romance, and Best Beach Read, a finalist for Best Debut Fiction in the 2023 American Writing Awards, a finalist for Best New Fiction in the 2023 International Book Awards, and a finalist for Best New Fiction in the 2023 American Fiction Awards.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/UawURcxt37I

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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