write a book

10 Reasons Why You Need to Write a Book

October 19, 2016

by Jeff Pinkerton – October 19, 2016

It really got my attention when I read the statistic that 81% of adult Americans, at one time or another, have a desire to write a book. That number seems extremely high, doesn’t it? But then I started reflecting on how many times I’ve heard someone say, “I should write a book on this or that”. My guess is, at some time or another, you’ve probably had a similar thought. Maybe as you are reading this that thought is crossing your mind?

As one who has been through the process, I urge you to take action on that little voice that keeps nudging you towards writing “that” book. Whether it’s a book built around a “how to”, a cookbook, a novel, a biography, on travel, etc., there is a reason you hear that little voice. To me, the sad part is we leave too many books in the “to be written” category in our minds.

I’ve found there are ten great reasons you need to write “that” book.

  1. 1. It can crystalize your thinking. Engaging in the writing process will cause you to crystalize and clarify your thoughts. I think you’ll be amazed at how fragmented thoughts in your mind can be crafted into a work of art.
  2. 2. It can establish your platform. The quickest way to establish your platform is to write a book. A book gives you instant credibility to share your stories, experiences, beliefs and philosophy.
  3. 3. It will help someone else. If your book will help one person, it’s worth the effort. It’s been my observation that helping one person leads to helping others.
  4. 4. It can expand your influence.  A book gives you the opportunity to expand your message far beyond the paths you walk every day.
  5. 5.It will hone your verbal skills.  Bringing clarity to your thoughts in a book will help you verbally communicate more effectively in all areas of your life.
  6. 6. It might have income potential. For most of us, writing a book won’t result in a lot of income, but who knows, until you test the waters? You may well pen the next best seller.
  7. 7. It’s a great resume addition. Adding that you authored a book to your resume often puts you in a class by yourself.
  8. 8. It’s not as hard or expensive as you think. We live in a time when book publishing couldn’t be easier. Self-publishing companies have created an easy and affordable way to publish your book.
  9. 9. You’ll learn a lot. You’ll be amazed at the knowledge and education you’ll gain through the book writing experience.
  10. 10. You’ll leave a message for those that follow. One of the greatest gifts, and maybe one of the most important that you can leave your family and those who follow you, is by memorializing your words and thoughts into a book. Words in a book will last far beyond your time on this earth.

I truly believe inside every one of us is a story to be told. If you feel that story needs to be told in a book, write it. What you may think of as only “common knowledge” will become “uncommon wisdom” when shared in a book.

As always, if I can help you in any way, let me know. – JeffPinkerton.com

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