4 Steps to Throw a Virtual Book Launch Party

January 8, 2021

4 Steps to Throw a Virtual Book Launch Party

1. Background

Since it’s just you and your book, you’ll need a nice clean background to set the scene. If you have a banner made up, perfect; if not, a plain or bright solid wall, a big sheet hung up, or a nice bookcase background will be great.

Here’s a tip: Take a photo of the background so you know what it will look like and add or take away from that.

2. Props

Your most important prop is your book. Stacking your books on a table, or filling a bookcase with just your book is always a great and classic “author” look. Then, you can use some carefully selected pieces that relate well to your book’s theme. It can be as simple as a birdcage or you can go right out and create a whole room as a scene from your book.

Another reminder: When you’re all set up, have some nice photos taken so you can post later to your social media and website.

3. Content

Put on some nice mood-setting music, pour yourself a drink or a cup of tea, and enjoy it. If you are ready for a live video on Facebook, go for it! It’s a good idea to have a short speech ready to go, or even read from your book, too. Another section of time can be for viewer Q&A- Remind your viewers that audience participation is always welcome and encouraged. If you’re not quite ready for a live broadcast, you can do a video and post it or simply have some photos taken of the night and post them.

Everyone tuning in to your book launch is there to support you—make sure to have your book available for sale and direct your viewers to where they can buy it! Clear and concise links and instructions are key here.

4. Fun

The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy your night. This is as much for you as it is for your readers and so that you don’t feel like the day has gone and you did nothing to celebrate your launch. It’s a crazy time we are living in at the moment, so all we can do is try to make the most of it.

On such a special occasion, the last thing to do is a toast.

It matters not if the wine glass is half empty or half full, clearly there’s room for more. Cheers!


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