5 Common Myths About Self Publishing

October 15, 2021

5 Common Myths About Self Publishing

Self-publishing offers writers opportunities that other publishing routes are not able to. It’s only this path where authors have creative control. By self-publishing, you have just created culture. You are no longer just a consumer absorbing every bit of information that comes your way. Making the switch to a creator will be a feeling that you will never want to get over. Self-publishing a book can also grant you a new degree of networking. There’s no better way to spread your name or business than by talking to people you have met through writing your book. Up to 34% of all eBook sales are now self-published — a figure that was virtually zero just 15 years ago! 


Myth #1: Tradition equates to Prestige and Quality

Unfortunately, it can really be quite the opposite, and authors that don’t do their homework, miss out on a huge win for their ROI, publishing experience, and overall reputation due to their book quality. Typically, a traditional publishing house only cares about their personal brand (and who can blame them for looking out for themselves!). Don’t believe the lie that you can’t do it on your own or with the help of Self-Publishing experts.


Myth #2: Self Publishing is Less Lucrative than Traditional Publishing

While you may have a smaller buyer pool in the beginning, you have 100% control of the funds and dividends! We already know you’re not necessarily publishing for the huge funds anyway, but a traditional publishing house will soak up any that you did make. A publisher will undoubtedly help with marketing, distribution and help a writer find and connect with an audience. They will also only leave authors with around 10% of the sales royalty. Those who self-publish generally keep anywhere from 50-70%.


Myth #3: It’s going to be Less Work for the Author

Yes, and no… You still have to write the book, and that is no small feat! You also need to support yourself with a knowledgeable team (the best writers do). Finding the right marketing teams, editors, and designers are all things that require lots of planning, time and finances to do effectively. Coordinating, communicating and working with them over months is a skill, and one often overlooked by introverted writers in the traditional publishing house.


Myth #4: Self-publishing means No External Support

An author can definitely hire a multi-person team to assist them in areas beyond their skills, and they will more or less function in a similar way a publisher would. This can be costly, though, as authors report they spend on average $3,000 to $6,000 publishing — and sometimes as much as $50,000. It’s all about give and take- you either pay a little more up front, or give all your earnings for the rest of the book’s life to the traditional publisher, and lose so much creative control.


Myth #5: You must Pick One Path Forever

While we will always advise the self-publishing route for the best author publishing experience, you have to be comfortable with what you choose! And you can take comfort knowing you’re never stuck in one place (read those traditional publishing house contracts though!)

Read Next: Seven Self-Publishing Do’s and Don’ts

At this point, what are you waiting for? Go and self-publish a book already! Better yet, Hire Elite Online Publishing to do the heavy lifting and self-publish the book for you. All of our authors become #1 Bestsellers.

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