Journey to Becoming a Bestselling Author with Dave Zitting

April 18, 2024

Join Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, as they interview Dave G. Zitting, an inspiring author who transitioned from writing a non-fiction guide to creating “Threads of a Needle,” a bestselling sci-fi novel.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • The Importance of Flexibility in Writing

  • The Role of Support Systems in Writing

  • Strategic Planning and Discipline


“As I started going into the nonfiction concept I found a number of different things. One, I felt preachy and I don’t like sitting within a community and saying, I know this and you don’t. And, you know, I’ve always just liked to collaborate. And so as I started getting into the nonfiction side of this, that didn’t feel right. And I wanted to start adding some pretend almost parable to it.” (04:21)

“I kind of live life off of what I call objective and key results, right? Set your objectives. What do you expect the key results to be? And then what are the milestones in between that allow for those key results to happen within the timeframe that you need them to happen? Right. And so that’s something that we apply in business and I’ve certainly applied it to this project.” (12:24)

“And, you know, I, it’s interesting going through this process. What’s also come about it is now that we’re, you know, we’ve got this fictional book done. And we just launched the podcast. We have our first episode out there and the next, our first guest records tomorrow. We’re excited about that and we’ll grow that.” (20:58)

About Dave G. Zitting:

DG Zitting is a seasoned entrepreneur with a remarkable career spanning over three decades in real estate finance and financial technology. His leadership has led to the successful establishment and growth of national business firms, resulting in significant achievements.

Beyond his thriving professional journey, Zitting’s insatiable curiosity spans various domains, including science, technology, philosophy, psychology, and non-denominational spirituality. This lifelong quest for knowledge and wisdom has unveiled profound insights that extend beyond everyday life, reaching into the greater reality of the known world and universe.

What sets Zitting apart is his ability to translate this acquired wisdom into both his personal life and business ventures, yielding resounding success. As a co-founder and leader of firms employing over two thousand individuals, achieving billions in sales volume objectives, and pioneering sophisticated financial platforms, Zitting attributes his accomplishments to transformative insights gained along his remarkable journey.

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Read Threads Of A Needle

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