Unlock High-Ticket Sales Success with Industry Expert Kayvon Kay

April 15, 2024

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Kayvon Kay, about his transformative journey from being the top pharmaceutical sales rep to mastering the realm of high-ticket sales. Whether you’re an entrepreneur eager to enhance your sales strategy or a sales professional looking to elevate your skills, this podcast offers a treasure trove of advice.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Entrepreneurial Persistence

  • Sales Team Dynamics

  • Effective Sales Processes


“Well, I’ll tell you this, it’s a lot easier to sell a hundred thousand dollar product than it is a 500 product. I’ll tell you, this is a salesperson. It’s a lot easier to sell a 10, 000 product than a 5, 000 product.” (04:34)

We build eight figure businesses and we’ve dealt with nine figure businesses and the nine figure businesses know this. The nine figure businesses know that if you want to get to that level, you can’t do it without a sales team and you can’t do it without great marketing. (12:26)

So many businesses don’t even a know what a CRM is. That’s number one. Number two, they view their CRM as a trash can. I view it as a goldmine. The difference is you got to know where to shovel and the process in the system of the process of how you set it all up.” (18:44)

About Kayvon Kay:

Kayvon is a leading Sales Expert with over 20 years of sales and training experience, his organization works with Influencers, Consultants, Service Professionals to build out their sales team and show them how to connect to their audiences to foster an ethical, honest, and transformational relationship. He teaches them how to close their “High Ticket” offers without wasting time and without using the traditional sales method that doesn’t work.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/FBA0pcicDao?si=f5Kgr3rsQvDSdWtn

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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