Authentic Brand Strategies | with Katherine Morales

November 11, 2019

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview branding expert Katherine Morales about her inside secrets to branding and marketing. Learn these tips for authentic branding to take your business to the next level!

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to change your mindset on branding and beyond your logo.
  • Considering how you want your customers to feel and think about your business when your branding or marketing.
  • Deciding how you want your business to be percieved.
  • How to play a more active role in your brand.


“A lot of entrepreneurs have businesses, but they don’t really recognize the brand behind that business and that’s an essential piece when it comes to effectively marketing.” (2:45)
“So deciding on the front end, what thoughts do you want to create in the minds of your customers, is essential. That’s all in terms of messaging, thought, and behavior that you want to influence.” (4:17)
“As an authentic brand strategist,  I work with my clients to say: what makes you unique, what do you do, how do you do it better, and why are you special? Let’s get to the core of what drives you to do this every day and figure out how we articulate that and convey that to people that you really want to reach.” (8:40)
“The authentic brand creates the most stable and sustainable foundation for you to grow your business. ” (12:56)

About Katherine:

Katherine Morales, APR, founder of Inflection Point Communications, is an award-winning, accredited PR/marketing consultant specializing in brand building, reputation management and strategic communications planning.

When approached with curiosity and intention, she truly believes businesses and customers/clients alike can change the way they interact and engage for more mutually beneficial relationships and results!

Katherine has worked with the big brands, including Chick-fil-A, Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Bayer CropScience. And, now, she’s taking all shes learned to help budding businesses grow and sharing the ‘inside secret’ with entrepreneurs so they, too, can take their businesses to the top!

For more information visit

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