#1 International Bestselling Author Kate DiLeo

July 29, 2022


#1 International Bestselling Author Kate DiLeo releases her book “Muting the Megaphone” with Success

Plymouth, MN– Friday, July 29, 2022 – Author Kate DiLeo joined the ranks of bestselling authors on Amazon with her New Book, “Muting the Megaphone: Stop Telling Stories and Start Having Conversations” which was released Tuesday, July 26,, 2022, by Amazon.com  the nation’s #1 place to buy books.

Elite Online Publishing promoted the book and reached #1 International Bestseller on Amazon in SIX categories. Including Media & Communications Business, Business Operations Research, Business Planning & Forecasting, Business Production & Operations, Business Writing, and Writing Skill Reference. The book also hit #1 Hot New Release in TWELVE categories in the USA and Australia.


Today’s digital economy has turned us into bullish broadcasters. We shout as if we are holding a megaphone in our hands, blasting out a multitude of messages, hoping to catch our prospects’ attention. Equally, we are inundated with messages that yell right back. All this noise is in the name of storytelling.

Stories don’t compel people to buy. Conversations do.

Your brand is more than a story, more than a one-way monologue where one person talks while the other person listens. It can be a compelling message that shares who you are and what you do, how you solve your customer’s problem, and how you are different from the competition. It can be the powerful dialogue that authentically gets the right prospect to the right table at the right time. It can be the path of least resistance to revenue that changes the trajectory of your organization.

You don’t need to learn more strategies on how to tell a story. You need to know exactly how to write each piece of your message in such a way that it creates conversations that convert. If you are ready to cut the fluff and build a brand that wins more work, then this book is for you.


An “accidental brand strategist” who originally intended to pursue a Ph.D. in Anthropology, Kate DiLeo discovered the power of branding during her first sales job. In the pursuit of making quota, Kate realized she needed to cut through the noise with a message that would compel prospects to want to have a conversation. It was that, or she was out of a job.

Kate overcame, honed her craft, and went on to successfully manage millions in pipeline by throwing out the long monologue sales scripts and unsubscribing leads from complex story-based marketing campaigns. Instead, she delivered a simple pitch that invited prospects to engage in a compelling conversation by sharing what she did, how she could solve their problem, and how she differed from the competition.

That pitch, which Kate calls, “The Brand Trifecta,” is rooted in her firm belief that brand is the path of least resistance to revenue. The ability to clearly articulate these three points offers the prospect all the information they need to opt-in and say, “Now that’s interesting. I want to have a conversation.” Throughout her career in both agency and corporate settings, she pursued her branding side hustle until 2019, when she turned it into her full-time business.

Kate is honored to have worked with more than 200 brands across 20 sectors. She is passionate about partnering with founder-led organizations that desire to craft an authentic, purpose-driven message to effectively get more prospects to the table, more users who click, and more customers who buy.

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This book was published by OXYGEN Publishing Agency, breathe life into your books. An independent publishing agency located in Canada and the UK on a mission to empower your desire to inspire and impact the lives of others by becoming the author of your extraordinary story. Learn more at OxygenPublishing.com


Elite Online Publishing, Authority In Every Word. Writing is just the beginning. How will your book empower you to smartly grow your brand, business, and credibility? Partner with a team of publishers who deliver a high-touch and high-impact experience for creating, publishing, and marketing your #1 bestselling book. They are passionate about more than telling great stories. They are adamant about proving the value of your perspective and expertise by ensuring you become a #1 bestselling author. In fact, they guarantee it.

Learn more about Elite Online Publishing at EliteOnlinePublishing.com

A donation was made in Kate DiLeo’s name on behalf of Elite Online Publishing to sponsor a child at the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation—the child will receive 6 books of their choice provided by the foundation. An additional donation was made to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, providing an Imagination Library book to a child each month for 1 year!

Learn more about the Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation

Learn more about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

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