Meditating Your Financial Future with Ken Kladouris

August 1, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Ken Kladouris about how mediation and goals can lead you to your future of success. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to set goals for your ideal life.
  • How to identify your core values.
  • How to parctice a primordial sound meditation.


“You’re financial goal, whatever it may be, you have to start somewhere and it’s where you are right now. Cuz that’s where you’re starting from.” (5:49)

“Finding that stillness, I realized I didn’t need to be doing everything that I was doing prior and I could be more intentional with what I was doing and create even more success from a place of happiness.” (8:45)

“You can’t control the stock market. It’s gonna do what it does every day. So that’s why you have to create a plan that uses it, and again, reaches your goals.” (13:05)

About Ken Kladouris:

Ken Kladouris is an esteemed wealth advisor, course creator and published author who believes you should be living your life, by design. Charting his own course in the wealth management industry, Ken has a focus on curating securitized real estate for investors seeking to defer taxes through a 1031 exchange. This has allowed the men and women Ken is proud to serve the ability to infuse more life into their years here and now – not just in retirement.

Learn More Here

About Get There!:

What is your purpose? What are you passionate about? What is your ‘why’ for the rest of your life? Big questions…with big answers. Would you like help finding these answers? Even successful people struggle to navigate their course before finding their way. If you are feeling overwhelmed with what to do and how to get your financial life in order, don’t worry. This is a guide to help you identify what you truly want for your life.

Learn More About The Book Here

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