Top Book Marketing Budget Tips! How To Get The Most Bang For Your Book Marketing Buck!

December 11, 2017

“They” say, “you’ve got to spend money to make money,” which is true in book marketing as well. Spending money where it will make the biggest impact on your bottom line though is the key though.

Here are a few guidelines to remember in spending your book marketing budget:

The key is to spend money to make yourself look professional upfront so you don’t have to spend money later fixing your image.

Save up until you can make it a top quality product before you even get it out the door.

Here are three great tips!

1- Cover Design

Even though people say “Don’t’ judge a book by its cover” that’s terrible advice when it comes to publishing books!

Considering the way people browse books online today, no matter great your masterpiece is, we recommend spending the money to have a professional, cover design created.


There’s nothing wrong with using a friend, family member or writers group to give your books a look before you publish.

However, we recommend hiring a professional editor to give your book a thorough scrubbing!

This can be costly — don’t be surprised to get quotes for more than $1,000 — but an experienced, reputable editor can make or break a run fun bestseller status.

One of the best ways to locate an editor is to check the credits of books that you’ve enjoyed to see who your favorite writers turn to for editing

3- Website Optimization

A website is one of the first impressions of your brand and a cornerstone of your author platform. Therefore, if it doesn’t look good and help you build your fan base, it can actually hurt your business.

Spend as much money as is affordable to make it look great and ensure that it provides your fans with an easy way to connect and leaves them with a great experience. If possible, hire an experienced SEO writer to create copy that drives traffic to your site.

Make sure the lead capture tool is easy to use and prominent!

Lastly, make sure your site mobile friendly!

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1 Comment

  1. Lee Reiman

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