Feed Your Happy | Scott Wilhite | 7 Skills for a Happier Life

December 8, 2017

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview Scott Wilhite, author of The 7 Core Skills of Everyday Happiness: Scientifically Proven Skills for a Happier, More Meaningful Life. Scott Wilhite is an award-winning commercial filmmaker turned social entrepreneur. As a writer, producer, and director he was enjoying a promising creative career without actually enjoying it. During ten of his most productive years he found them to also be ten of his darkest, most unsatisfying years. He felt directionless and that his life was missing purpose and meaning. This all changed when a friend introduced him to the breakthrough science of positive psychology, which studies the thought patterns of society’s happiest, most resilient people. However, it didn’t take him long to slip back into his old negative ways of thinking. By creating tools and systems based on the new research he was able to transform his life by taking a skills-based approach to happiness. Scott is now the founder of nCOURAGE.LIFE, the creator of the Feed Your Happy app, and the author of The 7 Core Skills of Everyday Happiness: Scientifically Proven Skills For a Happier, More Meaningful Life. Scott has a beautiful wife who teaches high school, four kids who don’t fight, and lives high up in the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. More on nCOURAGE can be found at: http://nCOURAGE.LIFE More on Scott’s films can be found at: BigSherpa.tv/films

Grab the Happy app or  your copy of  The 7 Core Skills of Everyday Happiness: Scientifically Proven Skills for a Happier, More Meaningful Life at:


Learn more about Scott at Facebook.com/SherpaScott

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