The Estrogen Fix with Dr Mache Seibel, MD, NCMP

April 27, 2020

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Dr Mache Seibel, MD, NCMP to learn about women in and around menopause and how they improve their symptoms including sleep, stress, diabetes and weight control.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Menopause can be embarrassing but it doesn’t have to be
  • Taking local estrogens because of cancer or for other reasons is safe, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
  • the most effective treatment for hot flashes is hormone therapy.


“the most common issue with menopause are things like hot flashes.” (04:14)

“Loss of estrogen drifting in the lower direction is affecting the REM sleep, the REM or the rapid eye movement sleep, which is the sum of the restorative part, it shortens that window of sleep.” (15:00)

“then what happens is the fluid little bits of fluid go into what’s called the interstitial fluid, you have the vessel and then you have this kind of loose tissue and then you have the wall of vagina, and it kind of is a sweat. So the the vaginal lubrication is actually equivalent to sweating.” (19:00)

About Dr. Mache Seibel

Dr. Mache Seibel is a leading expert in women’s wellness and menopause. He helps women figure it out so they don’t have to tough it out. He is a member of the Harvard Medical Faculty, author of the best-selling book, The Estrogen Fix, and Editor of the #1 digital magazine for midlife women Before transitioning his carrier to focus on menopause, Dr.Mache was a leading expert in infertility, performed one of the first In vitro fertilization
successes in the United States.

            Dr. Mache has published over 200 scientific articles and 17 books for both professionals and consumers, and has received multiple national awards for patient education, research and innovation, including the Media Award from the North American Menopause Society for advancing the understanding of menopause in the United States. He is board certified in gynecology and reproductive medicine and a NAMS Certified Menopause Practitioner. In
addition to seeing patients in his office, Dr. Mache is a sought-after speaker, consultant and menopause coach at

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