Eliminating Your Triggers With Dr. Nima

June 15, 2020

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Dr. Nima about how to identify and eliminate your triggers.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to become aware of your triggers.
  • How to identify where they came from.
  • How to resolve your triggers.


“I help people heal their emotional wounds that are tied into their physical ones.” (5:00)

“A trigger is a little mini panic attack that you’re having, that your body is letting you know you’re unsafe because of an old background anxiety that hasn’t been resolved yet.” (10:13)

“Your first traumas happen when you are in the womb. If your mother doesn’t feel safe with her relationship and then that anxiety that she was feeling gets downloaded into you.” (20:56)

About Dr. Nima:

Dr. Nima helps people who are stuck in toxic relationships who, career limbo, and emotional trauma overcome their anxiety and create powerfully aligned relationships by deepening their intimate relationship with the most important person of all: themselves.

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Video URL:https://youtu.be/cgf2royq02g

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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