Future of Publishing Summit – Meet Our Experts pt.2

February 4, 2022

Discover The Secrets To Leverage New Advances In Publishing, Reach Best Selling Status Faster Than Ever Before And Get Recognized As “THE” Expert In Your Field. The 27 business growth experts of the Future of Publishing Summit 2022 will teach you how to create power in your messaging, eliminate risk of failure by educating you on insider secrets, and gift your the proper mindset to make it happen – all from the comfort of your living room. 

Let’s meet the next 6 of your 27 experts…

Jenn Foster

The Keys To Prevent You From Getting Ripped Off By A Publisher

Choosing a publisher can be a tricky business. You want to make sure that you get the best deal possible with your publisher, while still maintaining control of your publishing rights. But how do you do that? You’ll discover the secrets that publishers don’t want you to know, and find out how to get your book published the right way – without getting ripped off.


Mario Fachini

Why Every Author NEEDS To Have A Podcast

Have you wanted your own podcast but didn’t know where to start? Learn the trade secrets of podcasting with podcast expert, Mario Fachini. With a guaranteed ROI, podcasting is one of the most overlooked and profitable ways to reach new audiences and sell more books. Don’t let the podcast revenue stream pass you by.



George Shepherd

Authors, Entrepreneurs, And Business Leaders Expand Your Reach Through Virtual Summits

Are you looking for a way to expand your reach and grow your business? With virtual summits, you can build a global brand without leaving home. This revolutionary platform is the secret weapon of some of the most successful entrepreneurs, authors, and experts out there. Discover what makes their events so successful and learn how to create your own ultimate online event. Whether you’re looking to attract new customers or engage an existing audience, summits can take your business to new heights!


Sara McDermott Jain

How To Turn Your Book Into A Screen Play

Authors, would like to see your book on the big-screen, or even maybe the little-screen? Think your book could be a MOVIE? You’re not alone! In fact, many bestselling authors started out by thinking the same thing. But what’s the next step? How do you turn your book into a screenplay that Hollywood will love? Gain valuable insights from developing your plot to pitching your script. You will learn what you need to know to make your movie dreams a reality.


Venus Ramos MD

How An Author Can Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle While Dealing With The Stresses While Writing Your Book

Did you know that you can write your next book while maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle? It’s true! You’ll learn how to focus on your writing and stay healthy while penning your masterpiece–without sacrificing your wellbeing or sanity for the sake of your work. You’ll get tips and advice for setting daily writing goals, staying motivated, and dealing with stress, all while keeping up with your everyday routine.


Amira Alvarez

How To Go From Underestimated To Unstoppable

Are you struggling to figure out what’s holding you back from success? If you’re looking to turn your thinking around and reach the next level of success, listen now to learn how to achieve unstoppable momentum for your goals, business, and life.



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Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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