Gaining Financial Independence with Millen Livis

December 13, 2021

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Millen Livis about how to gain financial freedom through changing a shift in your mind.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to manage your cash flow.
  • How to make better financial decisions.
  • How to have a wealth mindset.


“You’re not a failure. Failure is not a person, failure is an experience. It has a beginning and an end.” (6:16)

“It’s very important when you know your values and you know your goals. You need to make sure that you are aligned because if they are not aligned, you will sabotage yourself.” (9:45)

“There are four levers to managing your cash: The first lever is mindset, you have to have a wealth builder mindset, not wealth consumer. The second lever is income. If you feel that income is not sufficient, then you have to find other sources of income. The third lever is budget for your spending pattern. The fourth lever is debt, there is good debt and bad debt.” (12:39)

About Millen Livis:

Millen Livis is a financial independence mentor. She helps professional and entrepreneurial women become financially independent faster than they believed possible! By using her holistic system for achieving financial independence called the Millenaire Method. Many people feel that Financial Independence is just a pipe-dream. But there is a REALISTIC pathway to Financial Independence. And you don’t need to win a lottery, or marry a wealthy partner, or kill yourself at work to get there! It simply requires that you change your thinking and learn how to make your money work for you instead of just you working for your money.

Learn More Here

Schedule a Meeting with Millen Here

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