Getting Your Business Ready To Sell With Ashley Micciche

April 5, 2021

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Ashley Micciche about how to prepare your business by selling it for the maximum price. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to grow the value of your business.
  • How to know when to sell.
  • How to minimize your taxes.


“You need about eight pieces of basic information about the business and with that we can do a very accurate evaluation to figure out where you’re starting from.” (7:33)

“Ideally, no matter what industry you’re in, top line revenue, and bottom line income are the primary drivers of value for your business.” (13:08)

“Now’s the time, if you have a family business, and you want to transfer or gift some of that business value to that next generation, I would not wait to do that.” (19:05)

About Ashley Micciche:.

Ashley helps business owners exit their business and retire with financial security. Are you a small business owner looking to exit your business and retire in the next 5-10 years? If you’re like most small business owners, then the answer is yes! But how do you focus on running your business while planning your exit? That’s where Ashley comes in.

At True North, They will craft and implement a custom-designed business exit plan to help you exit your business so you can retire with financial security. They focus on the details of securing your final and most important business decision, so you can continue to focus on the day-to-day of running your business. They also stick with you post-exit to invest your portfolio wisely and help you make smart financial decisions, so you can spend time with your family and enjoy retirement, rather than worrying about what’s happening in the stock market.

Learn More Here

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