How to Copyright Your Book

November 4, 2020

How to Copyright Your Book

Your copyright is secured automatically when your manuscript is created, and your work is “created” when it is on paper – in book format or not. In general, copyright registration is a legal formality intended to make a public record of the basic facts of a particular copyright. But, registration is not a condition of copyright protection. You may register your work with the US Copyright Office online a for $35.

Do you need to copyright your book?

There is no need to copyright your book (with the U.S. Copyright Office) before submitting it. Always remember that the moment your work is intangible form—once you type it, save it, write it, or otherwise commit words to paper—it is protected under copyright law without any formal registration, even if you do not use the copyright symbol. However, registering your work with the Copyright Office (which does cost money) allows you greater power to litigate and collect damages should someone steal your work.



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