How to use TikTok and Reels to Promote Your Book

September 2, 2022

Video Marketing Isn’t Slowing Down – It’s Taking Off!

Experts agree that video marketing is expected to be one of this year’s top trends, especially for book marketing. BookTok caught fire, and now big retailers like Barnes and Noble are dedicating display tables to books trending on TikTok. Agents are even signing authors based on their TikTok videos and their following on video-heavy platforms.

Video content marketing hasn’t just taken off on social media, it is also impacting how books are selling in the real world.

“As of 2020, 96% of consumers increased their online video consumption, and 9 out of 10 viewers said they wanted to see more videos from brands and businesses. In fact, as of 2022, an average person is expected to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos.” –

For better or worse, this is where we’re at. And if people are going to watch online videos that much, you need to create video content so it is YOUR VIDEOS they are watching.

So, what does this mean to you as an author?

You need to be on TikTok and Instagram Reels.


  1. Create a TikTok and Instagram Business Account
  2. Get to Know TikTok and REELS
  3. Learn How to Use TikTok and REELS For Business Marketing
  4. Engage Your Audience
  5. Create Content That Converts
  6. Consistency is key

Learn more about how to CLICK HERE

Or read this tutorial. Learn more about marketing your book with the Elite Marketing Portal. The Elite Marketing Portal is the perfect one-stop destination for authors looking to take their book marketing efforts to the next level. With video tutorials and templates specifically designed for marketing your book, Elite Online Publishing guarantees bestseller status for your book. The Elite Marketing Portal is available as a part of our packages. Please contact us for details and pricing.

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