Leading Yourself To Success with Barbara Dalle Pezze

October 25, 2021

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Barbara Dalle Pezze about reconnecting with your most profound self and finding your deepest purpose. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to survive and thrive.
  • How to learn to be happy with yourself.
  • How to write a book for you.


” I think that the first step was then how do we take action because you do need to do something in that situation.” (6:54)

“I decided to stay and take take a chance alone, which was not what I imagined. So then it was the question of Okay, now I am by myself, I have made a decision.” (11:16)

“I decided, you know what, with the tiny little bit of energy I had left, I always had something to write, because I wanted to capture those insights.” (13:38)

About Barbara Dalle Pezze:

Barbara’s personal experience, with the sudden and unexpected implosion of her marriage and the disruption that goes with it, became a possibility to do powerful inner work that allowed her to transcend and rise above unthinkable limitations. Today she uses her experience of growth out of trauma to train, coach and inspire people all over the world, helping them reconnect with their most profound sense of self, embrace their challenges, and create a new life, while being fulfilled and aligned with their deepest purpose. Barbara is also the author of THE UNEXPECTED GIFT: Emerging Anew After The Unthinkable. 

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/LTRhn9ciwuc

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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