write a book

Melanie Johnson’s New Book – LIFE LEGACY CHALLENGE

August 26, 2016


On August 27th, 2016 Melanie Johnson will be speaking at the TEDx
Conference in Houston.  We are honored for the opportunity and we are
excited to announce the launch of her new Book August 26th, 2016!

LIFE LEGACY CHALLENGE: Write a Book! Share Your Wisdom, Ideas and Stories to Profit Future Generations

If you were dying next week, what wisdom would you want to leave your children, family, the next generation and the world.
The largest generation is the baby boomers, 76 million strong. But a baby boomer dies every 50 seconds and all their knowledge wisdom expertise, information and inspiration goes with them, unless they do something about it.  Record your wisdom and create a sustainable knowledge library system, by writing a book.

You may be a baby boomer or you may not. Either way – you have a story to tell. You may say who am I to say I’m an expert, that I have a story worth telling. Everyone’s an expert at something. Everyone has a story worth telling. No matter what age you are. You don’t have to be a baby boomer to have valuable wisdom or expertise to share. This book is for all generations, who want to write a book to leave a legacy. What knowledge will you share with the next generation?
Life Legacy Challenge BOOK

The book is listed for just $.99 cents and go to Amazon and buy your copy TODAY.

Here is the link to the book.




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