Lexi Quisenberry Hits #1 Amazon Best-Seller List

December 14, 2015


Houston, TX– Monday, December 14, 2015 Lexi Quisenberry Hits #1 Amazon Best-Seller List With “What You Don’t Expect When You Become a Young Mother: The Ultimate Guide For Young Mothers on How to Overcome Criticism, Gain Confidence, Build Faith, Find Your Purpose, and Conquer Motherhood

The book was released on November 5th  by Amazon.com – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.


Lexi Quisenberry, the President of All Out Media LLC, an online advertising and marketing company, is devoted to helping struggling moms with finding faith and purpose.


On the day of release, What You Don’t Expect When You Become a Young Mother: The Ultimate Guide For Young Mothers on How to Overcome Criticism, Gain Confidence, Build Faith, Find Your Purpose, and Conquer Motherhood started its upward movement towards best-seller status in three Amazon.com categories with its November 5th release and reached best-seller status in: “Prayer,” “Women” and “Family.”


About Lexi Quisenberry:


Lexi Quisenberry is a proud mother and wife. She is an author, entrepreneur and business owner. The President of All Out Media LLC, an online advertising and marketing company, she is devoted to helping struggling moms with finding faith and purpose. Lexi is a mother of two happy and thriving children. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas. A Devoted Christian and passionate mother, Mrs Quisenberry lives a healthy lifestyle, loves to cook and entertain. She enjoys traveling and being outdoors. Additional information about Lexi and her business can be found at:  www.AuthorLexiQuisenberry.com

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