New Book Release – The Minority and Woman-Owned Small Business Guide to Government Contracts

March 9, 2016

LINDARAWSONBOOK3DIntroducing the NEW BOOK by Linda Rawson!  The Minority and Woman-Owned Small Business Guide to Government Contracts: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started takes the complication out of getting started in government contracting when you are a small business. Don’t learn the hard way and utilize the steps outlined in this book to navigate through the massive amount of paperwork.

The author, Linda Rawson, CEO, and Founder of DynaGrace Enterprises started her company initially called Sensory Technology Consultants, in 2006. DynaGrace Enterprises (DGE) is 100 percent Women-Owned Small Business and is SBA 8(a) certified and has done over $1 billion dollars of DoD government contracts. Linda shares her knowledge of government contracting to help you get started.

In this book you will learn:

• Why you would consider obtaining government contracts to help your business be profitable
• How to get started in government contracting including government systems that you need to register on
• How to correctly set up your accounting system to ensure proper classification of revenue and expenses
• How to apply for and obtain socioeconomic status to get government contract set-asides
• Documented examples of how to search for government work with step-by-step instructions
• How to market the federal government including marketing artifacts and social media strategies
• A brief overview of how to respond to government contracting opportunities
• Some excellent human resource tips

The Minority and Woman-Owned Small Business Guide to Government Contracts: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started helps you understand the steps required to begin obtaining government contracts.

Buy the book today! buynowonamazon




editor big sexy wordsLinda Rawson, CEO, and Founder of DynaGrace Enterprises started her company initially called Sensory Technology Consultants, in 2006. DynaGrace Enterprises (DGE) is 100 percent Women-Owned Small Business and is SBA 8(a) certified and has done over several billion dollars of DoD government contracts.

Linda was born in a small farming community in Utah and raised by a single mom raising five children. Of her family, Linda is the only one to dream of owning her own business and the only one to have pursued higher education, thus breaking from the family mold and becoming a success in the business world. She has exceeded expectations and never let various challenges and obstacles associated with being a woman impede upon her path to success.

Although very passionate about what she does she is often accused being a workaholic. She finds balance in her life by being very close to her family and spends time with them as much as possible. She also finds pleasure in life by traveling and participating in outdoor activities.

Today DGE is thriving multi-million dollar business, and Linda chooses to share her knowledge and experience with other entrepreneurs.

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Linda Rawson is available to speak at your events and consult with you or your company. Contact her today!

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