Lindsay Flanagan

Book Editing & Writing Expert, Lindsay Flanagan

August 16, 2016

Lindsay Flanagan


We are proud to announce the new podcast interview with Book Editing & Writing Expert, Lindsay Flanagan. Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster interview Lindsay Flanagan from Eschler Editing.  Freelance editing to help you self publish your book.  Fiction manuscripts, letters, blog articles, coaching, writing, social media and editing.  Lindsay will answer the question – What is the difference between good editing and bad editing?  When Hiring an editor you need to look for different types of editing…. content editing, line editing, copy editing, grammar editing.  You need to find an editor that has read a lot of books.  When editing – the editor looks for a hook, to see if it will compel the reader to read more and turn more pages. Listen to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or YouTube.

We love to hear from you – Leave a comment or question.

You can access the Podcast here:

ELITE EXPERT Insider  is a weekly podcast that educates, inspires and motivates entrepreneurs, innovators and growth seekers. Hosts Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, will bring you conversations from business, personal development to health and fitness. They will chat with special guests, industry leaders, authors, business and marketing experts and just darn interesting people.  It’s the show that will up your game!

Lindsay Flanagan is an editor, YA and MG writer, poet, and a mommy of two brilliant and beautiful girls. She is in love with words, whether she is reading them, writing them, or listening to them in a song. Music is her greatest inspiration in writing–it makes her ink flow. Her playlist includes A Silent Film, The Gaslight Anthem and The Horrible Crowes, American Authors, Royal Teeth, The Script, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Midnight Cinema/Thriving Ivory, and The Young Wild. She will always be inspired by Rob Thomas.

To learn more about Lindsay go to :

Lindsay’s Poetry –

Lindsay’s Blog:



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