Make More Money with Henry Daas

September 21, 2020

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Henry Daas about how to make more money and his book FQ: Financial Intelligence.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to invest your money.
  • How to get over your fear of investing.
  • How to tell if a market is over bought.


“I think entrepreneurs are going to save the world.” (5:09)

“If you’re going to invest for the long haul, the entry point is not all that important.” (17:05)

“The stock market is not the economy.” (23:50)

About Henry Daas:

Henry started his first business in 1991 selling, installing, servicing and financing computers to large corporations. Since then he has founded a succession in firms in the e-commerce, finance, real estate and consumer products spaces. For much of the past decade, he has taken his experience as an entrepreneur and used it as a platform to coach other business owners and founders.

In addition, in 2019, Henry self-published a 432-page book on everything you need to know about how to grow and manage your money. He offers a 20-week course where he teaches you, one-on-one. he also runs curated masterminds on business and finance.

In his infinite leisure, Henry writes screenplays (for fun), plays golf, travels (when not on lockdown), plays Catan with his three boys, and does other fun stuff

If you’d like to chat with Henry about entrepreneurship, money or anything else use the link below.


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