Author Natalia Peart PhD Hits #1 Bestseller on Amazon

January 23, 2019

Elite Online Publishing Launched a New Bestselling
Book by Natalia Peart PhD

Author Natalia Peart PhD introduced her new book
FutureProofed: How to Navigate Disruptive Change, Find Calm in Chaos, and Succeed in Work & Life” which climbed quickly
to be a #1 Bestseller on Amazon.

January 23, 2019 09:00 AM Central Standard Time

Houston, TX. -Elite Online Publishing today, announced it’s newest bestselling author Natalia Peart PhD, who’s recently released book, “FutureProofed: How to Navigate Disruptive Change, Find Calm in Chaos, and Succeed in Work & Life” quickly climbed the charts to become a number one bestseller on the day of its release, January 22, 2019.

Elite Institute of Best Selling Authors Published, Promoted and Reached #1 National Bestseller in FIVE Categories: Humanistic Psychology, Occupational & Organizational Psychology, Anxieties & Phobias, Medical Experimental Psychology, and Small Business Sales & Selling.

About the Book –

Timely, relevant, and game-changing. But be warned: this book is not meant to just be read; it’s meant to be experienced.

We are living in times of constant change and disruption. But while the times have changed dramatically, we do not have new rules for how to succeed in our new world. With its unique blend of strong storytelling reminiscent of The Alchemist, and strong direction-setting for both your work and life, FUTUREPROOFED is both a journey and step-by-step practical guide tailored to the fast-changing times that we live in.

Drawing from her own research and consulting practice and the latest in business, neuroscience, psychology, and design thinking, Dr. Natalia Peart presents a new paradigm and step-by-step pathway for thriving in fast-moving times.

In these pages, you will learn to:

* Navigate the new road we all must travel.

* Build career confidence, whether you’re working for yourself or someone else, by shifting from just finding your next job to creating a playbook and system for your success.

* Achieve peace of mind by increasing your own financial safety and security.

* Master the one constant in life–change–by building the mental fitness you need to thrive regardless of what’s happening around you.

* Develop a success lifestyle by effectively using your time, energy, and attention to live a life that is satisfying and meaningful to you.

* Leverage your success to impact our world.

FUTUREPROOFED is the journey and experience we all need right now. This book is a wake-up call that challenges your assumptions of what it takes to be successful in our more complex world. It provides a clear roadmap for greater clarity even in increasing uncertainty, as well as empowers you to move forward with confidence toward a more inspired future.

About the Author –

Dr. Natalia Peart is a Psychologist who has spent more than 25 years helping people and organizations achieve professional and personal success. In her various roles as a clinical psychologist, working for companies such as Gallup and the Corporate Executive Board as a Fortune 1000 leadership and performance consultant, as a Chief Officer for a foundation, the President/CEO of a nonprofit organization and as an executive and personal consultant, she has always been driven by a desire to solve tough problems. Dr. Natalia’s distinctive career path and varied experiences have uniquely positioned her as a leading change expert for both people and organizations.

She was the visionary for Redream; a regional Emmy- award- winning project that was a collaborative partnership of a number of national PBS stations and systems. Dr. Natalia was a contributor to the bestseller titled: More. Better: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life with Better Results.

About Elite Online Publishing

This book was published by Elite Online Publishing, the brand building publisher – write, sell, & market your book online. Elite Online Publishing helps busy entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals create, publish, and market their book, to build their business and brand. They are passionate about future authors sharing their stories, knowledge, and expertise to help others.  Educate, inspire and motivate others by telling your story.

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