Read Pages from the Life Legacy Challenge by Melanie Johnson

June 25, 2019

Learn to write your story and share your wisdom, ideas, and stories to mentor and help the future generations with all the information, questions, and step-by-step guides to write your legacy. Read pages from chapter one here.

Chapter 1: Make Your Mark, Tell Your Story, Leave a Legacy

If you were dying next week, what wisdom would you want to leave your children, family, the next generation and the world? What wisdom would you want to leave behind?

The Baby Boomer generation is said to be the best educated, most highly skilled aging workforce in U.S. history.  Although they’re only about 40 percent of the workforce, they hold more than half of all manager positions. This demographic also holds almost half of all professional careers such as doctors and lawyers.  They also control 50% of the country’s wealth.

Do you think Baby Boomers might know something the rest of us don’t know?  You may be a Boomer yourself or you may not.

Never Doubt – YOU Have a Story to Tell

You may ask yourself, “Who am I to say I’m an expert?  Do I really have a story worth telling?”  Everyone’s an expert at something.  Everyone has a story worth telling. No matter what age you are now.  You don’t have to be a Boomer to set aside time to share your wisdom. This book is for all generations who want a book to leave their legacy.  What knowledge will you share with the next generation?

When I started to write this book, my main goal was to help others along their path to share their knowledge.  However, something unexpected happens when you share your story. Suddenly you find you have grown and learned more about yourself.  You have gained insight into your life you didn’t have before. Not only is your legacy a gift to others – it becomes one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

15 Benefits to Leaving Your Story:

  1. Change someone’s life
  2. Influence your family and future generations
  3. Give your great-great grandchildren a piece of you
  4. Learn more about yourself
  5. Feel the joy of giving
  6. Establish an ongoing foundation of life
  7. Offer the raw power for good and for bad
  8. It is an act of responsibility to leave a legacy
  9. It engrains what you know
  10. Focus on the big picture
  11. Document memories
  12. Process past experiences
  13. Talk to our emotions
  14. Expands what you know
  15. Establishes a reputation of you as an authority

It’s one thing to be an expert and have knowledge.  It’s another to know how to share your expertise with others.  When you share your expertise effectively with others you achieve many things in the process.

To discover more reasons why you should write your legacy, be sure to check out Melanie’s book on Amazon!

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