Redefining Failure: Life Coaching Strategies with Dawn Nelson

February 20, 2024

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview an esteemed life coach with a rich background in psychotherapy. Learn the intricate dynamics of failure, fear, and success. And the valuable lessons she’s learned from years of guiding individuals through transformative life changes.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Embracing Failure As A Stepping Stone
  • Power of Perspective in Overcoming Challenges
  • Goal Setting and Achieving Through Actionable Steps


“Whatever it is that you’re struggling with or you know what really got you off the path today. It’s just about having a safe place to land and have somebody here. If it’s beyond that, there’s always psychotherapy. There’s always other forms of help. But for most people, if they simply avoid getting in their heads, reach out to a friend, and feel heard.” (07:01)

“First of all, I think that when someone fails at something, there are many moving parts. So it’s about learning a brand new area, and we have to give ourselves some credit for risking to go and put ourselves in a new arena, right? It’s all about learning.” (10:05)

“Usually when someone’s in their own way, one of the things that I’m going to pick up on is a level of frustration. And a lot of times its also, that they have kind of been, I don’t know another word to use, but isolating.” (19:34)

About Dawn Nelson:

For 25 years Dawn has been helping individuals live life by design rather than by default. There are certainly plenty of areas in life where we have little control; her work focuses on what you can do and how positive action impacts your life in meaningful ways. She helps you look at where you are now and where you want to be while encouraging you to take the next step forward.

Through meaningful dialogue and purposeful action, Dawn helps you move forward one step at a time arriving at the destination of your choice. Coaching is positive, exciting, and action-driven. She helps you by raising your level of awareness, encouraging your next steps, and providing assistance and support. This commonly results in you overcoming obstacles and achieving more than you ever thought possible.

Learn More Here

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