Join Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she discusses the captivating world of children’s book creation and marketing. Jenn shares her journey from the initial spark of inspiration to building a successful children’s book series, including...
Join Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she interviews author Dan Steininger, the author of “Conquering Your Mountain: Solving Problems Through Innovation.” Learn Dan’s journey from being a recovering lawyer and CEO to becoming...
Join Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she interviews author Jeremy Fisher, a seasoned voice coach with over 20 years of experience. He’s also the author of 13 books, many of which he co-wrote with his wife. Listen Below: Watch Below: Click...
Embrace the Power and Benefits of Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing The publishing industry has experienced significant transformations over the past decade, driven by technological advancements and changing reader preferences. One of the biggest shifts is...
Join Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she interviews Alvin Adjei, an international number one best-selling author and accomplished trial attorney. Alvin sits down to discuss his transformative book, ‘A Case for Greatness’. Listen...
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