Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Diana Murphy, an experienced coach with over a decade of expertise in business and personal transformation. Diana shares her unique journey from overcoming personal struggles with weight loss to...
Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Mark Scherer, a business coach who has spent the last 35 years on a journey to understand consciousness and its impact on success. In this episode, we’ll learn his groundbreaking Quantum Leap...
Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews April Roberts, a coach, consultant, and mentor who specializes in helping Gen X female entrepreneurs thrive. She brings a wealth of experience as a former high-achieving attorney and financial advisor, with...
Join Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she interviews author Stephanie Chung, as she shares her journey to writing her book and the importance of having a book as a professional speaker. She also dives into her writing process, including the...
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