Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, Interview Lisa Wise about her captivating story of growing up in challenging circumstances, her early experiences as a relentless entrepreneur, and her transition into the realm of property...
Jenn Foster, an owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Jennifer Kahnweiler about her new book Creating Introvert Friendly Workplaces. Listen Below: Watch Below: Click here for access to all of Elite Expert Insider podcasts. What You’ll Learn in this Episode:...
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Peter Yawitz. Yawtiz is the author of Flip Flop and Microwaved Fish. In this podcast, he teaches how to navigate the workplace culture. Learn all the dos and don’ts in the current...
Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson speak with Marc Schwartz about his book Power Shift. Power Shift gets right to the core of performance issues and lays bare the challenges leaders will face as Generation X and Millennials dominate the workplace – creating a power...
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