The “O” Factor by Sybil Pentsil Hits #1 on Amazon!

January 22, 2018


Author Dr. Sybil Pentsil, just hit #1 best-seller in SEVEN lists with,

“The “O” Factor: Relationship Principles for Women.”

Salt Lake City, Utah – Monday, January 22, 2018 – Best-Selling Author Dr. Sybil Pentsil Hit #1 on Amazon with her New Book, “The “O” Factor: Relationship Principles for Women,” which was released December 22, 2017, by – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.

On the day of release, “The “O” Factor: Relationship Principles for Women” started its upward movement towards best-seller status on and reached #1 best-seller status in in SEVEN categories including: Christian Leadership, Christian Pastoral Resource, New Age Self Help, Women’s Personal Spiritual Growth, Women’s Studies History, Women Writers and Women’s Spirituality.

About the Book –

Women wear so many hats in life – we are mothers, sisters, daughters etc. Each hat comes with its own expectations and we often find ourselves overwhelmed because we want to play each role well, look good and handle our business! In the Akan tribe of Ghana, the phrase obaa sima refers to a woman of strength, nurture, and love. She is more than a diva; she is an ideal woman who has the ‘it’ factor in all walks of life. We all want that ‘it’ factor, don’t we? It is right here in The “O” Factor! The “O” in The “O” Factor stands for obaa sima. In this book, you will find the principles that define a modern day multi-tasking obaa sima who plays multiple roles and wears many hats. The principles are real and can be applied by women from all walks of life. Each principle is emphasized by biblical women whose decisions serve as examples, cautions, warnings or the goal for today’s obaa sima.


About  the Author –

Dr. Sybil Pentsil is a multi-talented woman who wears many hats as she makes her impact on society. Not only is she a Doctor of Pediatric Academic medicine at the Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, she is also an ordained minister, serving as pastor at the House of Worship in Owings Mills, Maryland.

Sybil has written and co-authored many booklets and training guides for classes on premarital training, marriage counseling, spiritual development and leadership training. Her books include Free to Dance: Gaining Victory Over Your Thoughts and Emotions and Motherhood Redefined, both available from Better Life Today. In 2005, Sybil and her husband Fiifi co-founded Better Life Today, a self-improvement organization. They are known internationally for impacting marriages & businesses. Sybil speaks at conferences, seminars, youth groups, medical meetings, schools, churches, businesses, and other groups. She also conducts one-on-one counseling sessions.

Sybil and Fiifi are committed to family and enjoy traveling internationally with their children. They have three awesome sons – Jeremy, Jason, and Jesse.

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