How to Succeed at Self-Publishing

How to Succeed at Self-Publishing

More and more writers are self-publishing to tell their unique stories, share their life story or share their business.  Many long to have their work distributed through a regular publishing company, but that dream means having less control over your work. Ownership...
National Book Festival 2018 Happens Tomorrow Catch it Live-Streaming

National Book Festival 2018 Happens Tomorrow Catch it Live-Streaming

One of the pre-eminent book festivals of the year takes place in DC tomorrow Sept. 1st. The 18th annual Library of Congress National Book Festival is free & open to the public. This Festival began in 2001 with the former librarian and First Lady Laura Bush. Now,...
Heal and Live a More Fulfilling Life with Emily Cohen

Heal and Live a More Fulfilling Life with Emily Cohen

Heal your intergenerational trauma and live a more fulfilling and empowered life! Emily Cohen, author of From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling, is interviewed by Jenn and Melanie. In her book, Emily Wanderer Cohen...