Understanding the Different Types of Book Editors

August 7, 2019

The writing process can be an exhausting and a rewarding process, and many authors cherish their book like a newborn baby. So the idea of parting with it to be marked up and covered in red by an editor can be an understanding fear for many authors.

But just like a doctor checking for signs of ailment, having an editor review and develop our work can only lead to good things. And just like the difference between a pediatrician and family practitioner, every editor has a specialty to help you on your manuscript’s maturity progress.

Understanding the many editing phases your book goes through can often feel overwhelming, so we hope to help clarify the different types of book editors.


If you’re not sure where to find an editor, no matter what phase your book is in, we’ll be more than happy to help connect you with talented experts who can help your book grow into its full potential.

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