Using Manifestation in Real Estate With Trish Arcaro

June 7, 2021

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Trish Arcaro about using the law of attraction to get the house of your dreams.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to use the law of attraction.
  • How writing things down will help your ideas come into fruition.
  • How to implement vision boards.


“If you are going out with your husband, or a partner, or with anyone you need to be aligned with them and make sure that they want what you want too, because if you both are not in alignment, then it’s not going to work.” (8:37)

If you really want it, it’s going to happen for you, the universe is going to say yes to you, but you got to be really hone in on that energy aligned with that desire, and really be open to receiving what is meant for you. (13:15)

“I’m in the business to serve others in my community, to help them manifest homeownership, manifest moving on to the next life, retirement, or whatever else they have in mind.” (20:10)

About Trish Arcaro:

Trish Arcaro is the owner of Holistic Real Estate Pro. She guides first-time home buyers and sellers in using LOA ✨& Manifestation 💫 to purchase or sell their home. As a holistic realtor, she coaches buyers & sellers throughout the whole real estate process of manifesting their ideal home or ideal buyer. Trish’s goal with holistic real estate pro is to take you through what can be a very demanding and stressful process with ease. She helps clients get aligned to their truest home vision and prepare them to be open to receive what is meant for them.

Learn More Here

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