How to Position Yourself as a Speaker on Your Website

January 3, 2020

Much like any other service or product, being a public speaker is a brand you must market. How does one position themselves as a speaker? Creating an online presence should be your focus, particularly on your website. 

Establish Your Brand

Before you begin marketing yourself as a speaker, it’s important that you pin down your niche if you haven’t yet. If you’re not sure where to begin, informIT  has a great guide to figuring out what your niche is. Once you have that figured out, you can create a consistent brand. For more information on the importance of a brand, check out our previous blog post

Build Credibility

Anyone can make claims and create a brand, but the main key to your success is writing establishing yourself as an expert in whatever your niche is. Consider publishing short pieces of your talks, articles, or other media that display your knowledge and experience. Do this on both your website and social media and share related content. Network with other experts in your field. The more others cite your work, the more credibility you’ll build. 

Write a Book!

Another way to build credibility and establish your presence is by writing a book if you haven’t yet. Advertising the book on your website will work like a virtual business card. Those who download the book are going to remember your name and that you are well-versed in whatever your niche may be. 

Offer an Online Media Kit

Charli Jane says, “Planners get hundreds if not thousands of proposals and media kits every year. You have to “wow” them immediately to grab their attention, before they set it down and go to the next one! Most important make sure your media kit is online and easily accessible.” Organize your media kit, update it, and make it appealing. It’s your 

Create Urgency

As with any type of ‘sales’, creating urgency will help to fill your schedule with more speaking opportunities. Forbes offers great tips on how to build urgency and contact potential clients. One great way to do this is by putting a limitation on your availability. Announce this availability on your website and share clips of previous speaking events.


With these basics and intentional effort, you’re sure to not only position yourself successfully as a speaker but also see the results as you schedule more speaking events. 


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