Author Wes Oleszewski Hits #1 Bestseller with Apollo Book

February 13, 2019

Elite Online Publishing Launched a Bestselling
Book by Wes Oleszewski

Author Wes Oleszewski introduced his book
“Growing Up With Spaceflight: Apollo Part One which climbed quickly to be a #1 National Bestseller on Amazon

February 13, 2019, 09:00 am Central Standard Time

Shady Side, MD. -Elite Online Publishing today, announced it’s newest bestselling author Wes Oleszewski, who’s released book, “Growing Up With Spaceflight: Apollo Part One quickly climbed the charts to become a number one bestseller on the day of its release, February 12, 2019.
The book was Published, Promoted and Reached Amazon Bestseller List in FOUR Categories: Astronomy of the Universe, Aeronautics and Astronautics, Star-gazing and Astronomy.

About the Book –

Growing Up With Spaceflight- Project Apollo Part One” contains the true story of what it was like for an average kid to literally grow up with the American space program. The premise being that some people were close to the space program, hands-on, working daily with the hardware and the technology that made history… the rest of us had to watch it on TV. The book is the first release in a six-volume series and follows the author from age nine and the tragic Apollo 1 fire that killed three NASA astronauts to age 12 and the drama of Apollo 13’s near disaster. Along the way, readers who also grew up in that era will read the accounts and say, “Hey! That was me too! I did that with the Apollo models, I watched that on TV, I remember that day.” Additionally, readers who were not yet born will be able to get an up-close and personal look through the keyhole of the door of time and experience what it was really like to grow up in that exciting era.

Author Wes Oleszewski is known for his detailed historical narratives published in his 16 previous books that look at shipwrecks, now he turns that focus onto the golden era of America’s space program. Those readers who seek technical details about NASA’s manned space vehicles and rockets will not be disappointed.

The author has, as always, dug deeper than previous writers into NASA’s documentation and pulled out fascinating and highly obscure details of the events. Working with two editors who are, in their own right, experts in the history of spaceflight, the author managed to surprise even them with a few previously overlooked facts. Yet, although technically correct and fact-filled, the “Growing Up With Spaceflight” series is not a dry engineering account. Rather it is fun and witty read that will take the reader on a pleasure trip to a time gone by. The author has gone to great lengths to add illustrations that are both informative and unique. As in all of his works, Wes Oleszewski has produced a book that is free of gratuitous sex and violence and he remains clear of the personal lives of the people who made the space program happen. This is a book of pleasure reading that avoids tabloid tidbits. Readers will enjoy this book and they will learn a thing or two as they do. By the time that they finish, they will be looking for Part 2. All six volumes of the “Growing Up With Spaceflight” series are completed and available on Amazon.



About the Author –

Wes Oleszewski has authored 24 books since 1991. Born and raised in mid-Michigan he is noted for his meticulous research as well as a knack for weeding out the greatest of details from the most obscure events and then weaving those facts into the historical narratives. His tales of actual events are real enough to thrill any reader while every story is technically correct and highly educational. Additionally, his fiction work is garnished with the flavor of reality as he dips into his own personal experience to allow the reader to feel as if they are actually there. Born on the east side of Saginaw, Michigan in 1957, Wes Oleszewski attended public school in that city through grade nine, when his family moved to the farm town of Freeland, Michigan. In 1976 he graduated from Freeland High School and a year later entered the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona, Florida. Working his way through college by his own earned income alone, Oleszewski graduated in 1987 with a commercial pilot’s certificate, “multi-engine and instrument airplane” ratings as well as a B.S. Degree in Aeronautical Science. He has pursued a career as a professional pilot as well as one as an author. A former airline captain and corporate pilot he holds an A.T.P. certificate and to date has filled more than three logbooks with flight time most of which is in airline category and jet aircraft. Recently he gave up the life of a professional aviator and now enjoys his job as a professional writer.

About Elite Online Publishing

This book was published by Elite Online Publishing, the brand building publisher – write, sell, & market your book online. Elite Online Publishing helps busy entrepreneurs, business leaders, and professionals create, publish, and market their book, to build their business and brand. They are passionate about future authors sharing their stories, knowledge, and expertise to help others.  Educate, inspire and motivate others by telling your story.

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