Building a Book Publishing Empire

March 25, 2019

Melanie Johnson is interviewed by Michael Devellano about Building an Online Publishing Empire.

Michael met Melanie through the Grant Cardone 10X Mastermind Group and they both attended the 10X Growthcon event in Las Vegas at the end of February. Melanie launched/owned and operated 2 independent TV stations in Houston and Dallas Texas:, started her career as a News Anchor in Detroit at Channel 20 after she won the title of Miss Michigan and was first runner-up to Miss America. Melanie has a background in Media, Marketing, Public Relations and Advertising. She is now a real-estate developer and investor. She is the CEO of Charity Auction Consignments. Melanie graciously donates her Villa in the Dominican Republic along with her other properties to help raise money for children’s, health issues, education, and animals. She is passionate about sharing people’s stories that, educate, motivate and inspire. They publish, market and promote nonfiction books for business owners and athletes to create expert authority status for marketing impact and influence. Melanie graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in communications and was the first girl to receive a varsity letter in a boys sport in the state of Michigan.

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Show Notes-

  • leverage your book as an advertising tool
  • you can use your Alexa to listen to your podcasts
  • you can reuse the same content over different social media platforms


“A book is an investment because you really don’t invest in TV advertising or invest in a billboard because it evaporates. But a book never goes away.” (5:13)
“You can put your podcast on YouTube, you can use it on social media, it just gives you so many other places to repurpose that same content.” (12:20)
“People buy from who they trust, and the people they trust the most are experts.” (15:31)

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