Building Your Message Through Connections with Jeffrey Van Dyk

August 15, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Jeffrey Van Dyk about how to advance in your industry, your business, and your career by honing in on who you want to serve.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to build a business from the inside out.
  • How to find your target audience.
  • How to get strategic partners.


“We help people connect to a type of guidance outside of their logical mind, you might call it your gut, your intuition. If you’re spiritual, you could call it God or the universe, whatever it is, to ask these questions about who you are, why you’re here, who you’re meant to serve and what you’re meant to do in this world.” (4:15)

“If we can solve a systemic problem, we offer more value in that market than anybody else. In that relationship between our psychology and the psychology of our customers and the things they say they want and need are willing to pay.” (9:35)

“So when we’re innovating in a market, we often have to do education based marketing because we aren’t competing we’re in a category of one and that mindset has to be front and center when it comes to our messaging, when it comes to our brand and story.” (14:28)

About Jeffrey Van Dyk:

Jeffrey Van Dyk is the founder of The Courageous Messenger, which supports messengers around the globe to become impactful paradigm changers. He pioneered a system that helps leaders use their core wounds to create more effective, engaging messaging and marketing, and use their intuitive guidance to launch truly paradigm changing ideas.

Jeffrey was a two-time president of the International Coach Federation chapter in San Francisco. He co-founded True Purpose Israel, worked in Colombia with business and political leaders to heal the wounds of the country, and while at Microsoft, designed speaker training systems for world-changing leaders like Peter Jennings, Bill Gates, former French President, Jacque Chirac, and former Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon.

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