Communicating in Business with Krister Ungerböck

February 28, 2022

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Krister Ungerböck about his book 22 Talk SHIFTS: Tools to Transform Leadership in Business, in Partnership, and in Life. 

About 22 Talk SHIFTs:

Strained and estranged relationships are everywhere in business. Salespeople are frustrated by the finance people, customer service and operations people are frustrated by salespeople, and everyone is frustrated by the IT people. It’s time to shift the conversation. In 22 Talk SHIFTs, you’ll discover unconventional, sometimes counter-intuitive communication techniques that can make your year, or your career. TalkSHIFTs create great teams—but here’s the bonus—they also create great families. These practical tools include fill-in-the-blank phrases, powerful questions, and provocative exercises that can break the cycle of strained communication and strained relationships.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to get your words to speak more than your actions.
  • How to utilize the fill in the blank phrase for you.
  • How to respond to needs and not words.


“The dynamics between leading a family and leading a team, at its core, are actually, quite similar. Ultimately, what I found is that great relationships are about, though it destroys those relationships, is control in fear.” (8:09)

“One of the simple say this not that rules, is to eliminate the words you should or you need to or you must do this. These words are the things that erode our communication, and ultimately create a bit of a superiority.” (12:37)

“Now we’re having a conversation versus just telling someone and not necessarily getting their agreement to actually change behavior” (20:40)

About Krister Ungerböck:

#1 Wall Street Journal bestselling author, battle-tested CEO, and leadership language expert Krister Ungerboeck has developed the highly effective Talk SHIFT™ System – simple changes and adjustments that elevate communication, morale, performance, and growth.
People who embrace the Talk SHIFT System enjoy better relationships, at work and at home, faster growth, stronger competitive advantage, and an overall boost in performance. In addition to boosting business performance, Krister is leading a revolution in the way we communicate in order to improve marriages, families, and communities.
“We’re in a communication crisis, and most of us don’t even realize how bad it is. We confuse “sent” and “received”. Our words and approach create a massive drag on business success. And relationships. And communities. Meanwhile, many of us are on the hunt for change, competitive advantage, that special edge. In fact, the answer we’ve been seeking is inside us right now. And it’s simple, fast, and cost-free.”

Learn More Here

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