Get To The Next Level Of Life And Succeed With Cory Jenkins

May 13, 2019

Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson speak with Cory Jenkins about her book I Love Myself So… about how to get your life to the next level and succeed.

Cory is a captivating speaker and author. She is passionate about assisting others in creating a life they love. She has mentored salespeople and business owners and loves making a difference. After spending over two decades sharpening her communication skills and studying personal growth techniques she now travels for fun all over the globe sharing her message and spreading love.

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Show Notes-

  • Focus on you
  • Be rich in friendship
  • If you put in the work opportunities will open up.


“Look in the mirror, and find one thing that you love about yourself.” (4:00)
“Your brain starts to pull things from your environment that will help you succeed in achieving your goal.” (10:00)
“I haven’t needed a house because I’ve been visiting people too much to need a house.” (12:28)

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